Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Asian Americans Set To Flex Political Muscle

Asian Americans Set To Flex Political Muscle

The Nation

October 25, 2006 : Last updated 11:33 am (Thai local time)

Washington - Asian-Americans are growing in political clout in the United States and could be crucial to the outcome of upcoming legislative elections.
They are flexing their muscle in traditional strongholds like California as well as in big ticket races such as in Illinois.
At present, there are six Asian-American legislators in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives and two in the Senate, also dominated by President George W. Bush's Republican Party.

The Asian Law Caucus and the APAL Legal Center Join Hands in the Fight against Workplace Discrimination

The Asian Law Caucus and the Asian Pacific American Legal Center Join Hands in the Fight against Workplace Discrimination
The Asian Pacific Immigration Reform and Control Act Anti-Discrimination Project is a collaborative effort between the Asian Law Caucus (ALC) and the Asian Pacific American Legal Center (APALC). Funded by the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) of the U.S. Department of Justice, the project aims to educate both employers and employees in the Asian American community about recognizing and preventing workplace discrimination........................(more)